Take a look at our helpful videos, which include short ‘how to’ tutorials, product information, and a look at how we do things here at Churches Fire & Security.
Safety Starts With Me
At Churches, we all work to the Safety Starts With Me ethos, we empower each and every person to become their own safety officer.
The Importance of Fire Alarm Servicing
Fire alarm servicing is essential, ensuring your alarms are working correctly when you need them most.
Fire Alarm Weekly Checks
Here’s how to carry out your weekly fire alarm checks.
Emergency Lighting Monthly Checks
Take a look at how to carry out your monthly emergency lighting checks.
PLEASE NOTE: This video was created in 2019, and all equipment displayed was correct and in use at the time of recording. For example, the signage is still part of the Standard EC/92/58 “Euro” signage scheme.
Your Responsibilities to Fire Safety
If you are an employer, owner, landlord or occupier of business or non-domestic premises, you could be legally responsible for the fire safety of your employees, customers, and anybody else who could be affected by a fire at your premises.
Fire Extinguisher Monthly Checks
As part of your fire safety maintenance, you should be visually checking your fire extinguishers at least monthly.
Join Us at Churches Fire & Security
<strong>Introducing Our Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC)</strong>
Need some assistance?
Fill out your contact details and one of our colleagues will be in touch to discuss your needs.