Consolidated Fire Extinguisher and Fire Door Servicing

Author - Sam Smith |
Publish Date - September 9, 2021

Fire extinguishers and fire doors are two critical components of any fire safety system.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that all businesses must have fire extinguishers readily available and visible at all times.

Fire doors also fall under this ruling, with the maintenance of them being a key requirement for every business to which the Order applies.

Consolidated Servicing

As part of Churches Fire & Security’s dedication to complete servicing, our technicians are often multi-disciplined. This means that they are qualified to maintain and service both fire extinguishers and fire doors, often during one site visit.

To remain compliant with the current British Standard (BS 5306-3), a yearly service is required on fire extinguishers. You can arrange for your fire doors to receive a visual inspection during the same service visit, consolidating your fire safety maintenance, reducing the need for multiple site visits.

Recommendations on extinguishers and fire doors, as well as other services such as fire alarms and emergency lighting, can be provided whilst our technician is on site, further saving time and money on additional visits.


Our technicians work with customers to ensure they are meeting the required standards when it comes to their fire safety equipment.

Upon arrival at the site, the Churches technician will ask to view the Fire Risk Assessment. This document will indicate any previous fire safety actions, recommendations from previous visits and if any immediate action is required to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

When the technician is satisfied that they are aware of any potential health and safety requirements whilst on-site, they can begin servicing the extinguishers on-site using a location list, detailing the type and location of all portable fire extinguishers present.

During the service, our technicians will also review and advise in relation to other fire safety services, to ensure the customer is compliant with the law.

Once all fire extinguishers have been inspected, updated, or removed as required, the technician will discuss any findings, concerns and recommendations.


The visual inspection of fire extinguishers should be performed every month, to look for signs of damage. Watch our short video below to find out how to carry out the monthly checks.


Fire door inspections involve extensive checks of each individual fire door component. Churches Fire & Security visual fire door inspections begin by focusing on the door’s structural integrity, assessing the door leaf, door frame, self-closer, door hinges, door selector, locks and handles, panic hardware, apertures and glazing.

The visual inspection also inspects passive protection features surrounding the door such as intumescent door strips and cold smoke seals. The gaps between the door and frame and the threshold gaps are measured. In addition, fire safety signage is checked for clarity and compliance, in line with current regulations.

It’s important that additional weekly visual inspections are also made by the responsible person, to check for any potential problems, with repair or replacement of faulty doors taking place as a priority.

To help with your visual inspections, you can download our FREE ten-point checklist, which gives an overview of what to consider when inspecting your company’s fire doors.

Fire door in building saying fire door keep shut


Servicing the whole of the UK ensures we have technicians based permanently around the country. By operating fully stocked vans with the necessary equipment to service both fire extinguishers and fire doors, we often negate the need for return visits.

We also maintain over 190 secure lock-up facilities that house spare equipment parts, removing the wait for standard parts to be ordered.


Our work is continually assessed by independent third-party accreditors to ensure the highest quality service and maintenance; the safety of our employees, customers and partners is our number one priority.

At Churches Fire & Security, we provide peace of mind that your systems are professionally maintained and conform to the latest industry standards.

Our wide range of fire accreditations demonstrates our ability to meet regulations and guidelines, ensuring our work is always of the highest recognised standards, our accreditations held include NSI Gold, BAFE, LPCB and BAFSA membership.


To arrange a service for your fire extinguishers and/or fire doors, speak to a member of our customer development team today.

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